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makes sense, part of me is skeptical that the bargains will truly be screaming as so many people have been trained to buy a house because it’s “a great investment” or something like that.
if we look at the rise and fall of different asset classes, is it typical for assets to fall as fast as they rise? my guess is that the fall is often slower and more drawn out, but i could be wrong.
it also could be that home prices slowly decrease in fiat terms, but come crashing down in bitcoin terms.
I think price falls tend to be very steep during economic corrections, while rises tend to be gradual and drawn out.
During the last housing crisis, there were 70%+ price declines in some markets. Keep your powder dry.
good point
I'm not certain home prices will come crashing down in Bitcoin terms. I think Bitcoin could lose value during a housing crash, as it probably coincides with a recession, job losses, and the need to get some cash (by selling).
That's a good point, especially with so much being held in these ETF's now.