Any particular recs? Esp things that aren't dealt with well elsewhere?
That depends on what topics you're interested in. Tom generally doesn't write about anything if he feels like it is covered well elsewhere.
The ones with titles like "Your Friends are Wrong About ________" are typically geared towards giving people a sort of crash course on topics they aren't well versed in, but that they suspect the conventional opinion is off base about. My guess is that you don't need those.
I've actually only read a few of Tom's "real" books, but I've listened to his podcast for a long time, so I feel like I more or less know what he's going to say about most of these topics.
National Divorce is probably the one I'm most interested in reading, even though I already know what Tom thinks about it.
There's one I have read that I don't see on here and it's the one I would have been most interested in your reaction to. It was called Covid Charts CNN Forgot. I recall from an exchange we had a while ago that we may not see eye-to-eye on that subject.