I realised I never actually answered your question.
Yes, either, whichever you'd rather promote as I'm only currently offering 1 spot.
However I personally feel that the sounds of the great white north content should remain "free" to post unless you're adamant you want it pinned. (By free I mean, normal posting fees apply, which you make back+some when I zap it because to me it's worth zaps). And I think the song might be better suited to a bounty post. But there's no reason you couldn't have a pinned bounty post should you wish to have it.
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I will commit to buying a 5k pinned post slot but I am thinking I am going to donate it to a deserving musician. Give me a few days to sort out who should get the spot and coordinate with them.
Absolutely. That's really cool of you to kick start it off like this. I pinned ncryppt EP release the other day for a similar reason, to help budding musicians get exposure.