The only issue with the "i am looking for a bassist" type of pinned post is stackers are all over the place.
I think people promoting their music or if someone has a music blog, or maybe a music app they want to promote. Why don't you reach out to the noderunners radio guys and see if they want to promote on the music sub.
Try chatting with @artdesignbySF
this territory is moderated
Awesome idea. For the "I'm looking for a bassist" I'd really envisaged having a conversation with the person and helping them find the best solution which could be a bounty post over a pinned ad. But if someone's adamant they want it pinned, I'm not going to discourage them. Perhaps I explained my thoughts behind the pins usage poorly, but effectively anything anyone wishes to advertise and promote above and beyond the exposure a normal post and/or boost would achieve, I'd be happy to help facilitate. But I more see it for artists putting their own music front and center on an album preorder or release.
Perhaps in the future we'll have beats by Dre asking for ad space to SNs Music audience. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
It's something I want to provide, but also something I don't want to waste people's time with. Which is why I feel it's important to have a conversation with a potential client to ensure I'm providing the best and most appropriate service to them that I can. I think the noderunners is an excellent place to start.