I think cooking every day on top of working and learning is quite tiring, how do people sort this out? 🤯
Sharing some of the hacks I've so far:
  • wash and cut all the ingredients after buying them
  • cook more, then put some of them into the fridge
  • precook some of the ingredients that take time to prepare, like chickpeas, so they can come in handy later on.
What's your meal panning hack? 👀
"cook more, then put some of them into the fridge" This is the way. But the only real way to enjoy cooking... is to don't have any issues with money :), so you have time to search the best ingredients, spend time preparing and pre cooking some of it.
so you have time to search the best ingredients, spend time preparing and pre cooking some of it.
I have time for all of these, but it's a bit ( physically) tiring, and the hidden cost is there are so many things to learn and explore.
Uff... if it's physical, I will said smart buys of home appliances? It does not use more than 4 kitchen utensils for cooking, but short and chopping can be simplified with their help.
Oh yeah, I think the best thing I ever bought was my rice cooker. Just set, forget and boom, perfect rice! And it's very easy to clean.
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