Day 1 of living on My Bitcoin Standard ⚡🛒👀
Mostly so I constrain myself with eating outside since most places don't accept bitcoin1 ...
Also, bills that get paid from my bank account will obviously still get paid with fiat. That's why I call this my bitcoin standard. I pick the rules!
And just starting with paying for groceries in bitcoin using will probably be fun enough for now. Don't need to make the start more complicated than it has to be :)
I also won't necessarily mention this streak everyday in the saloon. It can get kind of annoying after a while, takes the fun out of things and misses the point. I might make irregular dedicated posts about my experience in ~bitcoin though :)
Let's see how long this streak lasts!


  1. And constraints can make people very creative ↩
482 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Feb
We should be setup with BitWage soon. Just KYC'd with them so you all should probably be able to get paid in sats in the next few weeks.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 7 Feb
Day 1 of living on My Bitcoin Standard 👀
nice, ₿e the change.
paying for groceries in bitcoin using
how did you do that, buying voucher then click and order? ( now I go to weekly market and paying in cash ) but I think the more important part is about buying fresh ingredients, paying fiat or Bitcoin can come in later. 🤔
and paying in cash
I hate dealing with change so much, I have to admit that I always tried to pay with plastic first. But now I will mostly pay with gift cards. :)
It's also always funny to see how much work dealing with cash is for the stores. For example, the bigger stores all have counterfeit bill detectors for each cashier now. They check every bill.
418 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 7 Feb
That's why I call this my bitcoin standard. I pick the rules!
That's why I call this my sex appeal. I pick the rules!
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10 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 7 Feb
Like this:
this is some very clever sentence which requires a footnote1
this is some very clever sentence which requires a footnote[^1] [^1]: footnote text
See here
  1. footnote text ↩
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