I almost don't want to upvote because the number of sats the post has is perfect https://imgur.com/8aLFTFX.png
I've been waiting for this book for a while now, glad that its out! I've been really fascinated by the idea of private law societies for a minute now. It seems like the way to do governance in a voluntary manner.
Bitcoin seems to be way to achieve this. Government currencies get out competed by Bitcoin, causing the state to become smaller and treat its citizens like customers rather than subjects. Due to the state not having the power to print funds out of thin air, they may become more willing to sell parcels of land to private city projects and network states that want to come together. Eventually, statecraft becomes a private, free market endeavor. Moving to a new country or city-state will be like shopping for a hotel, neighborhood, or apartment. Hard money will keep the "states" small and decentralized. There will be many to choose from and they have to compete with one another. The social contract will be an actual contract, explicit and consensual rather than implicit and hidden.