I often hear this concern from developers. If you are new to the field, maybe. But if you actually have to figure out things that haven't been figured out before. Bugs in software that do not have fixes on stackoverflow. If you have to read documentation, API docs, and figure out how to do something that no one has written a blog post... you will be fine. AI is not going to replace people that can listen to stakeholders that need a problem solved but can't express what they need and figure out how to accomplish it. AI is just a tool and it will make engineers more efficient which I believe will only lead to more development of tools. AI doesn't think. It can't feel either. If you can do both of those well, you'll be fine IMO.
101 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 6 Feb
I've been hearing that I'm going to be replaced for 15 years now. I'll be dead before it happens. If you focus on solving problems and communication your work will never be done.
You said this very well. I agree with you completely