I don't understand why people actively try to damage their body and health by indulging in low-quality food and bad lifestyle-habits, that - amongst other things - can lead to irregular sleeping patterns.
It's not that they can't choose to avoid the above, no, they actively select bad products and drugs like alcohol when grocery shopping, they (my family) practically live on it, yet give me a freaky look when I eat my yoghurt with oats - heaven forbid they see me with a glass of water.
I. Don't. Get. It.
How can people be so careless? My sister is only 21-years old and has already developed chronic illnesses through the excessive consumption of the above and the likes, and my father has developed a chronic illness in his nerve-cells, but change? Nah! Why die HeAlThY, right? Wrong!
One doesnt have to live life with strict diaries about one's eating habits and fitness, but actively pursuing the above is simply reckless in my opinion.
Okay, I'm calm again (kinda), thanks.