lol your comment pushed me to respond. Not that it isn’t a fine poem, but I’m literally typing this out with my baby girl strapped to my chest n my son’s hand clasped in mine. I can only give this a cursory read.
But here’s what struck me. My nick was once faterider - riding the tides of fate. For me, the notion that there can be multiple fates was in itself intriguing. Do the Universe lay out several fates in our lifetime for us to experience the myriad highs and lows of life? Or is there a particular destiny for each of us, just like how some people believe in soulmates?
I too prefer the word schema. My reporting officer used protocol in our recent work review - how I must abide by certain established norms n practices in my school (and not do anything too unprofessional). Guess you can infer that protocol isn’t one of my favourite words haha