You are correct about authoritarianism but there are differences in the way people on the left and right think. I have read and seen that people with different emotional temperaments are more attracted to the left or right. There are also people like myself and probably you that are more open to free thought. More curious and we tend to reject the frame.
I think saying "anyone" is to broad. I used to identify with right wing but it was just the environment. The more I questioned and dug the more wrong I found in the right side of politics. The masses could be accused of being brainwashed. I forget the philosopher who said this but it was something like the masses are like ballast. They just flow. The have not foundation. Some of the left/right thing is cognitive bias as well. Some when confronted with hard truths stick their heads in the sand. I've witnessed this many times. Others do deep soul searching and come out of that changed.
Spot on. I will say that until very recently, I agreed with the sentiment that there's basically no difference between the parties or their members; that it's all just tribalism.
In light of the radical swing to the left that is well documented throughout the west, I think it's almost willfully ignorant to stick with the "no differences between them" position. Our ideas (the entire range of them) are far more tolerated on the right and I'm someone who came from the left.