This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Good afternoon stackers hope all is well. I'm extremely hungry what should I get to eat!?!
robosats but for virtual items such as mmorpg gold, items and what not.
it seems to be a bigger market than fiat-btc. being able to go back and forth between virtual items/mmorpg currency and btc might be a bigger market.
I imagine there is a much bigger market for escrowed bitcoin txs than just exchanging for fiat. This is just the first use case to really take off.
I'm starting to think this is just a plot to give all the sats to the authors of the most valuable posts... 😛
Happy 5th!
Hey SN, If you happen to be in Paris this evening, we're having the second edition of our Parisian BitDevs in French. Mode details (including location and time) on this Telegram channel:
кто придумал этот майнинг? почему его нужно выполнять...
Satishi Nakamoto came up with mining via hashing. Due to hashfunctions unique properties (1.collision resistance 2.preimage resistance 3.secind preimage resistance) the security of the Blockchain can be derived from the raw computing power. This is what we call ”proof of work”
мир переходит в фазу сначала делай потом получай.
Play of words translate really bad with software translators
Op said "the world is shifting to a phase of first do then receive"