I wish I could make trivial edits after the timer expires.
The correct link for KR's podcast
And in the example where I "extinguish a token", what I am referring to is that I kept some of the 20 tokens I had issued for the 20 bags of Unga, specifically so that I could sell myself, either to Mary or to anyone -- at a later time. Or, if I had no Unga tokens, I could buy one off the exchange, and redeem that token with Mary, permitting her to sell that bag of Unga to a customer. I then could even have a new bag of Unga delivered to Mary to replenish the stock, and thus I didn't lose anything by having to pay near "shelf price" for the token I bought on the exchange as I then issued a new token when delivering another bag of Unga in which that was just at my cost of goods, not including profit and such.