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In both cases it'll be Facism that leads the recovery, because state power is always the go-to tool throughout history to undo foreign (Davos) infiltration and influence.
To your point, that still benefits the US.
German's have been so brainwashed since WW2 that most couldn't live with themselves to even imagine a sovereign Germany that's un-cucked.
I do think the anti-Russia psyop is getting ahead of the obvious solution for Germany, which is to pivot east where their energy comes from. Germany is a "swing vote" on the global game of Risk and the globalist are scared of losing it.
I think sanity will eventually prevail and they'll use at least some of that leverage. I'm bullish when the globalists are scared.
You through a convincing curve ball! I hope You're right. Let's hope for a stronger movement that is based on the farmers' kick off
Prayers for patriots world wide, because it's going to get worse before it gets better.
This one I wanted to add: The United States is also sucking the economic energy out of the Chinese capital market.
Definitely, I know much less about the economic relationships of China vs. US-Europe, but whatever shit storm lies ahead will surely involve them in a big way too.