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It's always cool to see bitcoin-friendly businesses around the world. I just took a look at a business that rents out luxury yachts. Not idea if there are tools that do this, otherwise it's all genius, work involved here is really epic.
Ingenious and useful to say the least, each of the hundreds of locations added are keywords that improve seo and I imagine that was their main goal.
Do you know of another creative way to increase the visibility of a business by using Google Maps or another online tools? Any idea is welcome no matter how crazy it may seem. Thanks for reading, sat! https://media.tenor.com/CbhnRg0n7ksAAAAM/kermit-the-frog-looking-for-directions.gif
What business is it? I want make google maps break like this
Satoshi Yachts
Satoshi Yachts
It just displays as one place for me. How did you do it?
Search for bitcoin yachts on Google Maps, fly over United Arab Emirates and let the magic happen 😎
The business owner is a genius
that seems like a great way to promot to a certain business. this impact wouldn't go that sooner i suppose lol