This is an interesting take, agree with it. I would add that with Euro elites openly calling for military conscription and prepping for conflict with Russia, (Unbelievable but true, esp given the history and the pathetic state of most euro armed forces, EU and non EU), Europe is a highly risky investment case on top of policies that seem designed to reduce economic growth.... If you were allocating capital on a global scale, I reckon you would not want to invest in Europe when you could move your money to a much safer and more business friendly environment in the US...
Good points added. Thank You. USA and some asian countries like India or Vietnam look interesting
Dont know much about Vietnam so have to look that up, but every time I look at India I can't believe no one seems to see the exceptional growth of it's professional and middle classes. Globally, India is the future?!
It really looks like that. Economy is growing strong, low state debt, demographically stable, too. And it's a ''swing state'', dancing on G7 and BRICs parties like a real geopolitical pro.