"Under current policies" is the key there. Current policies are reaching a breaking point.
I've been saying for a while that we might see strategic defaults as part of a short term approach to managing the debt. With rapidly escalating global tensions, I could see the US defaulting on debts held by "the other side".
I think we'll see a few more chapters in this story, but as you said we know it ends in currency collapse.
418 sats \ 2 replies \ @TomK OP 4 Feb
And I really hope that the Euro (that's my base case) goes to hell first and the US again has the lead to a system of free markets. We Europeans have been poisened by a totally corrupt system of ''harmonization and centralization'' that kills private initiative.
I don't know that the country as a whole has much hope, but there's an enormous resurgence of state's rights in America.
On a long enough time frame, our internal migration and policy trends will lead to the more sane states ascending in national importance.
189 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK OP 4 Feb
New light houses of freedom will rise stronger than ever!