Ultimately some projects started to call token buyers and NFT buyers "investors". This has made those users to feel like if they have the rights to take actions on project´s´ roadmaps and decision making mechanisms like if they were REAL investors. Projects that aren´t even DAOs are calling buyers like this.
From my personal POV it is not correct call people who buy tokens or NFTs "investors". I think people who buy these are simply "customers" or beautified: "power users" in the best terms.
For example: in Real Estate Tokenized Investment world when a user buys a token, they actually buy a share of ownership in the property becoming de facto an investor OVER THE PROPERTY but not over the startup or company itself.
Another example: when you buy a security token this token provides you the right of ownership and an entitlement to a share of future profits or cash flows over partial ownership of a specific property or of a financial instrument but again, you are not an investor for the company that is issuing the token.
I think that some projects started to call any kind of token/nft holders like this to make the feel important and trying to get more commitment and possibly more sales because of this.
What do you think? Is it right or not to call ANY kind of token/NFT buyers "investors"..or NOT?
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