Hello rebellious and ungovernable friend, I greet you from my burrow hidden in the sands of the South American desert...
Perhaps for many people who have been involved with bitcoin for a longer time this sounds silly or like an old joke... But it should be noted that not all of us have the same starting point, nor the same level of ability to advance on certain topics.
My beginnings in bitcoin are recent and at first they were on the wrong path, and this last year I have given myself the task of understanding a little more about bitcoin to reach something more than just the small conclusion that it is just a tool to make money.
Obviously as soon as I present that Question I realize that I know nothing about money, until recently my only understanding and understanding of money was that it was what we bought things with and obtained through effort with work, but nothing more , that is, a vision full of deficiencies regarding the understanding of money, its origins, differences, etc...
Currently, he educated me about personal finances and I try to learn and apply them during my journey. Among many things, I recently realized that I should not perceive my life expenses in dollars, since everyday life measured in dollars is frowned upon. Ordinary people do not understand that inflation is something that slowly drains your purchasing power, until recently I did not even know what the word inflation was about... Getting closer to Bitcoin has led me to seek to understand things like inflation and other topics, Before I thought that the way was to buy and then sell when the price rises against the dollar. Nowadays I begin to understand that the true path is not that, I begin to measure everything around me in sats, I started this year and my goal is to be able to reach the end of the year, having mastered this vision of seeing everything through how I am doing. to cost in sats and not in dollars.
Greetings and thanks for reading... Stay Awake.
We all have a starting point, it's normal when you start not understanding how money works, I also went through that process, I've currently been in Bitcoin for about 4-5 years and my journey has been incredible, I've learned so much... and I wouldn't have made it if it hadn't been for Bitcoin and all the lessons it leaves you when you fall down the rabbit hole
If you are in South America, why are you using dollars? Local fiat so bad it’s unusable?
Local currencies are terrible, places like Venezuela, or Argentina, the money in your hands erodes, places like Peru, Colombia or the Dominican Republic, their currencies have not behaved so badly in the last 4 years but still. You can feel the effect of inflation on consumer products. The only Fiat currencies that can serve as a "safe haven" so to speak, would be... The pound, the euro or the dollar, which are much stronger currencies than the one owned by the aforementioned countries. And mainly the dollar is the reference currency, easy to access or easy to exchange. In most countries in South America, they will not accept a euro or a pound in any store in a town or city. Only in select or classic places, you first go to the exchange house to get local currency for your euros or pounds to be able to move your purchasing power if it is stored in one of those currencies, on the contrary, the dollar is not the same, With dollars you can even pay for public transportation in many of these countries without any problem and without the main need to first go through an exchange house before being able to use that purchasing power... You have to live in sats and in ounces, goodbye to fiduciary perception.