Help, no. Do it for them. Yes.
The longer I watch these AI tools being used the less they seem like some magical intelligence. They are no more an AI than a calculator is. They are however a much more complex set of data and algorithms. I suspect that LLMs will become like calculators at some point in the future.
Businesses are already making heavy use of things like ChatGPT to help with their writing. I've experimented with this myself. Business writing is so formulaic that it is well suited for a computer to do it well. Creative writing is just that. Creative. But even there I can see a valid use of these tools to help get ideas flowing. But I could see it becoming a crutch.
I suspect in a generation people will chuckle at people looking down their nose at others over "AI" use just as people wouldn't think of expecting everyone to remember all their friend's phone numbers like we used to do.
Will it be good or bad for humanity? I guess that depends on how we use it. AI is just a tool. It isn't alive. It doesn't think. It will not suddenly decide to do anything. That BS fear mongering will be proven wrong. What could happen is that we use these tools to do really bad things but I believe that will be due to humans. Not tools. Machines.