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  • Run a contest to uncover hidden seed phrase for a wallet
  • Something sharable, that's how hotmail & youtube did it back in the day. Every shared email or link was its own advertisement
  • Provide a new service that people actually want/need
522 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 1 Feb
you are right here - SN, and make it so good that stackers would talk and share your good stuff.
I want to get people to sign up for the beta testing so they can see how good it is.
Have a product that's good and useful and doesn't abuse its userbase and Bitcoiners will just shill it to each other.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 1 Feb
boost your post on stacker news.
for 100k sats you can probably get 12-24 hours of screen time in front of thousands of bitcoiners.
i doubt there are any more cost-effective strategies today.
Ask the organizers of the Bitcoin Conference if you can run a fleet of drones above the venue where the drones form a QR code? Lol.