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I watched the movie Dumb Money the other night. It's the story of the GameStop short squeeze that occurred a couple years ago. The movie isn't very good. I guess it does a decent job of telling the story but The Big Short 2.0 it is not.
What does this have to do with sports?
Good question. After watching the movie I was curious what happened to Gabe Plotkin after his firm Melvin Capital lost 6.8B in the span of a month due to the short squeeze. You may already be aware of this, but it was unbeknownst to me. It appears Gabe Plotkin, in true crooked fiat fashion, has landed on his feet nicely as one of the principals of the group that owns a majority stake in the Charlotte Hornets. I should have been aware of this sooner as I did see the news that Jordan had sold his stake in the Hornets and recall mentally noting at the time "oh that's interesting" but didn't find it so interesting that I looked into the details of the sale or who he sold his stake to. In my defense I was all in on the MLB season and getting the Survivor Pool up and running at that time.
Isn't it lovely that someone can lose 6.8B of other people's money and end up as owner of a 3B basketball team. I suppose this is a feature (not a bug) of fiat for those close to the printer and a bug (not a feature) for everyone else.
Hopefully Bitcoin fixes this and that's my "sports" post (rant) for today. Haha.
Sats for all, GR
Wow, thank you for sharing that! I followed the short squeeze closely, and was aware of plotkin's involvement at the time. I did not know about his soft landing, though. What a world...
It's really unbelievable.
I watched it too. It really got the Hollywood treatment. I had no idea about Plotkin. This is the kind of shit that gets me going. Corzine level corruption. Good thing it pissed Satoshi off too.
This is why opt out, buy bitcoin is a powerful message. Eventually people will get it.
Wow I didn’t know that! Great little factoid. But I though dumb money was okay. It was no big short but it’s a nice way to digest what happened with that short squeeze.
It's a big club and you ain't in it
That's for damn sure.