for developing so many new functionalities
For example? Push notifications and image upload work fine from the PWA.
I don't know what else we could need.
would give much better UX
It would help if you can tell how the current UX is lacking.
Dealing with official app stores and maintaining a completely different code base is not something we want to do at our size without clear benefits.
However, there are unofficial ones native app. @felipe is developing one here and there used to be Bsats which is no longer maintained
Hey @ekzyis! Thanks for reminding me that the app exists, hahah!
However, there are unofficial ones native app. @felipe is developing one
It's been a while since I last updated it so it's probably broken. Also, I removed it from the Google Play Store because people where actually using it and I didn't have the time to maintain it.
Maybe someday in the near future I try to make it work properly again and implement that new territory thing there.
Dealing with official app stores and maintaining a completely different code base is not something we want to do at our size without clear benefits
There's no need to deal with official app stores to have a native app. It's possible to distribute directly from Github, Gitlab, publish on F-droid and etc. Off course I'm talking about Android here.
Apple devices are completely different. Actyally, I don't even know how people here still use Apple devices with all the client-side scanning Apple has been doing the past years (client-side scanning = zero privacy).