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Can I send a private message here on SN? I think I could send someone sats to their lighning address with a message but can I do that directly here in SN?
oc! sending dms here is as easy as adding a message within your transaction, fee is only 1sat
yeah sure, but can I do that somewhere directly here in SN or do I need to use a external wallet?
You can, go to wallet > withdraw > LN address
nice! missed the "comment" section. Maybe a nice feature for the future to directly send a "dm" on the users profile.
We can do this when we have proper DMs with E2EE at some point.
This was never intended to be used as DMs. They don't use E2EE. We can read all your messages if we want.
The unintentional DM feature. I still laugh about it lol
I mean... You could, but would you really want to live through that horror?
I wouldn't, not saying I wouldn't take a peak here-and-there, though.
Replies and comments are my dms
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