Change my mind
I think they could be demons, but I think they could also be like an undiscovered species, like something we have yet to find in the depths of the sea. In the case that we travel to a planet and we find a green furry creature with 80 eyes and a 5ft penis that doesn't speak and feeds off of atmospheric mites, I would call that an animal.
As sentience and intelligence increase to the point of space travel and communication, however, I think it's more likely that the alien in question is a demon.
I think the main crux is to answer whether the creature prompts us to turn our back to God.
Imo, there are all kinds of things happening in the realms we can't see. It's probably both aliens and un-nice entities. But if there are demons, then there are also angels. So that's good.
One would need to define "alien". Generally speaking, things that require physical vessels to travel through space and time are probably not very friendly. (that includes humans)
they are envious of us, for sure. that seems obvious. i mean what was that movie where the funny guy said "I envy us". ?
What is a demon?
I have to think there's not just one non-human intelligence out there. The amount may as well be infinite.
Either way there's bound to be n number of NHIs that would be perceived as demonic by humans. Do you think that any could be perceived as angelic?