This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Anyone know how to fix a wallet that reused an address to receive BTC? Would sweeping the funds and sending it to a multi sig wallet fix potential compromises?
Whirlpool the sats 3 or 4 times. Or send it away, sell it, and get new my free coin
I just realized satistics is a play on words and not a misspelling.
I've been reading about solar flares a lot the past week, pretty scary stuff.
Do you have a tldr of the consequences of a big one? I’ve assumed things go offline but for how long and how hard is it to get them back?
There's also been a lot of these stories about near misses, and possibly expected contact with a solar storm that was expected for June 28/29...
Tons of these stories lately
We also have been getting more reported "near misses"... what with multiple observatories getting shuttered in last 5 years or so, it's very spooky. Gives me vibes of that movie, "Don't Look Up"
The tl;dr is much worse than people imagine. The sun goes through cycles of higher and lower activity and we are approaching multiple cyclical peaks (on more than one time scale).
The Carrington Event brought down telegraph wires, melted circuits, etc, ... A large enough mass coronal ejection would create darkness in the sky as matter expelled outward blocked the sun's light... and then cataclysmic damage on earth including things striking us... Not only would some parts of the grid literall get fried/melted but to us it would seem like Armageddon.
Stacking sats on robosats rn, not much else. Also, does anybody know of any legit critiques of DriveChain (that @Truthcoin hasn't refuted)?
Whats your system like for trading on Robosats? I don't want to doxx myself accidentally.
Use tor, if you can use a virtual cc for payments. Don't ever talk about yourself in the chat
Bitcoin brunch fifty-something today at 10am eastern time. I have a bitcoin shirt on, will jump in the car soon and head down to the restaurant ready to receive anyone coming to talk! Planning on starting a podcast in the next month or so, to feature regulars who attend bitcoin brunch, and hopefully special guests as well.