Russian Banks Post Record Profits Despite Western Sanctions

Households took on subsidised mortgages and deals with groups leaving the country rose, according to central bank
Russian banks reported record profits last year fuelled by a rush to take out government-subsidised mortgages, as well as a boom in financing to purchase assets being sold by western companies exiting the country.

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Quelle surprise...
I was also surprised, so I shared it. But I'm also not surprised that the numbers were fudged by the Russian central bank.
Did You see russian public debt?
I didn't see the public debt, to be honest I'm not up to date on almost anything about the Russian economy. This news is what caught my attention. How is the public debt?
Around 30%/GDP. Another league
Very good ... In Europe, there must be few countries with a public debt below 100%.
Usually the north. But without balance sheet fraud it looks bad