Consider leveraging Ghost, an amazing platform for starting a blog or newsletter. Its user-friendly and simplifies the process up and down the stack. Focus on semi-regular writing, aiming for at least once a week. Consistency holds more value than perfection, especially in the early years. Above all, prioritize writing for yourself. These days I write entirely for myself, asking myself if it’s something I’d enjoy reading. That way I can take my time writing it. Try to find other writers in your community, this I find to be the coolest thing about writing, being able to have conversations with other writers about what you’re working on. Also being able to read each other’s pieces ahead of time before it drops is a ton of fun.
When you get it created drop your blog or post on SN.
Thanks for the advice. It makes sense that the best thing to do is just get the ball rolling with consistent, enjoyable writing. Will check out Ghost for sure.