Holy fuck The Boys is wild this season. It takes a lot to shock me but they accomplished it and managed to make their previous seasons look so mild by comparison.
I have been trying to get myself to get into For All Mankind, almost did last night but ended up watching Candy instead.
Yes, indeedy. The Boys has certainly topped itself this season. Unquestionably the most insane episodes of TV I have ever seen.
As for FAM, even though it's the only alt history show I've seen (I know there's Amazon's "The Man in the High Castle", which I haven't seen), I feel like it's an excellent entry in the genre. A nice balance between drama and grounded physical science, and shows how US history may have unfolded if the space program had a strong budget.
Yeah alt history shows are great. The Man In The High Castle is an outstanding show but got weird in the last season or two. Still worth watching, I really loved the CGI in the show.