I don't know if its productive to go on a rant about "MSM = brain rot" because the reality is that ship sailed decades ago when all news media got deregulated and could begin reporting on more than just facts. Things like opinion pieces and such. You can thank the Republicans for that one which is a little cute since they are the most vocal about how bad news organizations have become.
What I do know is it is hard to get a clear picture of the current government over there. I think the What Bitcoin Podcast episode with Bukele was interesting because it felt like he has no interest in being an authoritarian dictator but at the same time he was really trying to move the definition of the two words around and also even said something to the tune of "How can I be a dictator, people vote for me!" and his reasoning was something along the lines that people don't vote for dictators or something. It was really stupid reasoning.
I figure it is a situation that only time will tell and I won't think of that government in neither a positive or negative light. Ultimately, Bitcoin is for everyone and everyone will use it. What this means is that we are not obligated to play team politics with anyone. Bitcoin frees you to be objective. Yet, I do see so many people organizing themselves into pro or anti Bukele "teams". There is no need for that, much like there is no need to staunchly identify as either Democrat or Republican to the point where people can only vomit their side's talking points.
I don't even like to consider myself a Bitcoiner for the same reason. Feels like I am pushing myself closer to choosing a tribe, and I want to remain objective when it comes to Bitcoin too.
In any case I think the next 10 years will be critical for El Salvador and Bitcoin will reveal the true nature of their government, just as it will any other government that adopts it. That is why it is a Trojan horse.
I think MSM didnt get worse but that we are now able to hear so much more from the local scale.
Historically we just haven't been able to effectively communicate and gather info across the globe and had to rely on MSM.
The world is complex and has always been so, but also makes it a lot harder to take your stance on issues.
Whether he is adopting bitcoin to counter USD/IMF grip lock, or purely to gamble on speculation, or use it for tracking citizens, most likely all of these play a part.