yes, gas is a better medium-term battery than EV cells.
batteries do lose a lot of charge in cold weather too, but actually perform at their best in typical summer weather.
i hear you on having the option to use gas or electricity, i’m just not convinced that use case is important enough to justify having two entirely different systems in the car.
Yeah. I would pick a ICE car personally but I can understand why others would pick an EV or hybrid. I just say let the market work it out.
Some will point out that the ICE / Oil industry has been heavily subsidized. That's true. Now it has flipped. The State really mucks stuff up. It always cracks me up with politicians cry about democracy but then claim the market needs them to regulate it. There is nothing more democratic than a truly free market. Vote with your money. We all make decisions with every transaction. These are votes for our preferences. Of course due to the State's monopoly on violence politicians are honey for the flies of corrupt greedy capitalists. Its all in the incentives.