I've been using a tape measure for years. 1 foot is a real measurement. Fiat Price is not.
As example is 1 hectare of land measures 1 hectare in 1980. However they issue a new metric ruler for 1 dollar. The same rule was 1 dollar then. Today's ruler is better because I measure that hectare and now it's 100 hectares! It grew in value!
It's the same nonsense with valuing but FIAT CURRENCY.
Once the measure is by a fixed 21 million at the top and 2.1 quadrillion at the, on chain, bottom then wealth can be valued according to the ledger on chain and off chain Layer 2 it will be 2.1 quintillion at the bottom. Layer 3 will be even finer and granular in fungible and proven value. We also may not even spend anything at all with the exception of new relationships or streaming wages.