The counter has been lifted to three; I've finished my third book today!
It all started with Harari's Sapiens:
Followed by Krause's A short history of Humanity:
I can highly recommend all of the three books listed above; they're written well, are informative and lend themselves well for a second- or even third read!
Why did I start with these books?
I've got an interest in anthropology (1), history (2) and biology (3), "Sapiens" and "A short history of Humanity" cover 1 & 2, and "What is Life" covers 3.
I can especially recommend the above three books in the following order:
Writes (amongst other things) about the human cells, genome, genes and mutations.
Writes about (early) human history and development in (very) broad lines, easy to read and interesting.
Krause's A short history of Humanity:
Writes about (early) human history and development, too, but with much more depth than Harari's "Sapiens"; if you liked Harari's book - especially the first 2-3 chapters of the book - you'll absolutely enjoy Krause's book, too- I've read it in just two days!
What would be solid books to follow-up up with on the above?!
Your's truly,
  • Fabs.