i've recently decided to give up on trying to use dioxus to make front-end applications in rust. i started looking into loading wasm compiled from rust into react applications, and that can work fine. however, the javascript ecosystem is a dumpster fire of different tools that are constantly changing, making staying up-to-date a pain and finding recent information difficult as well.
in an effort to find something "better," i decided to check out what elm was up to these days. i did some elm quite a while ago in another life and really enjoyed it, though the language was young at the time and decs were still figuring out good patterns and such. i was pleased to see that it doesn't look like it has changed much even though development has continued. this has rejuvenated my interest in it.
what are everyone else's opinions on elm? have you used it? even heard of it? what worked? what do you hate? how often do you use it?