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21 sats \ 8 replies \ @BlokchainB 2 Jul 2022 \ on: Daily discussion thread
Why do I feel like an idiot when I try to code
Give yourself some credit. Coding projects aren't as easy to show off as physical art or writing. Almost no one will see the effort required because almost no one will read the source code. When you overcome challenges, its almost invisible.
So the success doesn't feel as fulfilling. But the proof of work is there. Try keeping track of lessons/patterns you learn along the way.
Check out my substack if you'd like some more words of encouragement. :)
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
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Why do I feel slow when I run? Why do I feel weak when I lift weights? Because I haven't done it enough yet, and until I spend a lot of time doing it, it won't be easy.
well i feel the same then i code, but i was always one of the fastest runner in my class (and i am only 5"7'), and now i am a pretty fast cyclist, so its a lot genetics and only so much training.
But i had another sport where i always sucked, no matter how much i trained (i did for years) others would beat me easily after weeks.
so its genes and training only can do so much
It's almost always a combination of both, and some things are more genetics and other things are more training.