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I am one of the few who is already living a Bitcoin standard, if you have a fiat job you should still considere it as a Bitcoin job because it's proof of work for proof of work. Even if you get paid in fiat you just pay the bills and convert the extra savings to #Bitcoin as your family treasury reserve asset. Most people think they need to wait an other decade to live the Bitcoin standard but no it's happening rightnow and since 2009, it's just a mindset.
I think of living on a bitcoin standard as using it as all of
  • medium of exchange
  • store of value
  • unit of account
and I'm still working on all of those.
Sure I agree
World peace. War is unaffordable with hard money that can't be manipulated
I've been wondering about this a lot recently. I am very new to bitcoin (around 6 mths) so looking forward to reading the replies.
I consider living on a bitcoin standard if I can pay almost everything with bitcoin directly, sure you can buy vouchers or use things like bitrefill, but that is just converting bitcoin to fiat before using/buying a good.
Sure I agree, but how do you quantify that 25%, 50%, 80%? What I mean is all these things are coming sooner than later or they are happening gradually rightnow, rather than wait on hold enjoy it today. We will always be using vouchers for a long time, that's not the issue, the issue is the base layer money or into what are you saving your net savings income, in other words your reserve money.
Most bitcoiners are already keeping a large percentage of savings in bitcoin only. I don't consider that living on a bitcoin standard. You should use it, spend whenever possible, you would have a savings btc wallet and a spending one. Today we mostly have to get workarounds like vouchers, that is ok, since you would have almost no fiat, but that is no different from selling some btc for fiat and then buy what you want. When I give some btc as gift one of the questions I get most is, ok, but what can i do with this? Where can I use it? And for me one can say that lives on a bitcoin standard if you not only save but can live, spend in many places, let's say Macdonalds and Uber accepted btc, now you can get almost any food, and rides using only btc.
Good points and I agree but people didn't need to carry a gold wallet around with them for payment all the time.
That's bc of golds shortcomings, portability and divisibility. Bitcoin doesn't have those, it has others like block time and fees. What will happen is most of the time people will use custodial solutions, but it's still bitcoin.
I outlined my family standard, we use bitcoin as our savings and teach the kids about it #382485
I can say a bit more here now that I'm at my computer -
We have converted our cash savings into bitcoin We hold bitcoin in the mindset of a "retirement account" We put monthly savings, gifts, bonuses, etc, into bitcoin We put the kid's birthday monies into bitcoin for them We give the kids satoshis as part of their allowance We are looking converting Roth IRAs to bitcoin IRAs We have ongoing conversations about bitcoin We keep regular operating funds in fiat
So you're already on a Bitcoin standard too then
It's obviously better to accept the reality before it becomes normal. Surely, Bitcoin standard is happening yet many people seem to shy away of this subject for their ignorance. I wouldn't call it a subject of mindset rather I blame ignorance and unknowing of the truth. Bitcoin is truth and truth applies to everyone.
We will have to force banks and government to use it because we stopped using their 💩
The free market is extremely good at that too. The banks/central banks will fail on their own. Governments are running out of money so they will beg for bitcoin.
That's what I said. Just less eloquently.
The reality in Europe is that there are few places where you can spend satoshis, and employers are still not very receptive to paying in bitcoin. I've already tried to get part of my salary paid in bitcoin, and I was met with a big NO. It's not easy...
Yeah ok, but it's necessary at all if you know you can convert it to bitcoin asap after pay it's the same thing. Rightnow most employers don't even understand what #Bitcoin is so no poimt asking them.
*Not necessary
This is why I'm focused on saving for now. When the normies finally come around to it I'll be ready.
Good plan
not true. check btcmap.org
My rent, food and office space are all paid with btc
If you want salary in btc just use bitwage, and give the employer that IBAN
Partially true, because it depends on where you live. I don't think anyone in their right mind would drive hundreds of kilometers to spend satoshis. Regarding income, it will depend a lot on the landlord and the legal framework. Converting my salary into bitcoin in this way makes no sense to me because I already have a well-defined bitcoin purchase plan.
Bitcoin spending can be easy too if you use sites like bitrefill, buy a gift card using lightning and use that giftcard pay for things, that's just a thought.
My VISA card is in BTC not USD my paypal account is in BTC not USD and i use the blockchain or lightning to move money between VISA and Paypal and i use VISA and Paypal to shop or otherwise pay for things with BTC