Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I saw the word “spill” and thought that I would teach my students an idiomatic phrase - “spill the beans”.
They taught me that Gen Zers use “spill the tea” to refer to gossiping instead.
The teacher is now the student. I love this feeling.
I talk with Prince Filip of Serbia, a prominent Bitcoiner, and Chief Strategy Officer at Jan3. We talk about Prince Filip's work at Jan3 engaging in high-level conversations about Bitcoin with nation-state leaders as well as his thoughts on monarchy, democracy, and culture.
We discuss the role of Bitcoin and sound money and the chance presented for smaller countries such as Serbia and New Zealand to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender.
I also extend an invitation to Prince Filip and the Jan3 team to come visit and help spread awareness about what Bitcoin could mean for New Zealand, in particular its connection to energy and infrastructure.
Day 289 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 89 push-ups. (30 - 30 - 29)
Day 70 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 1 minute x 3 sets
This is the thing that very few bitcoiners (real ones) warn about. Shame on all others that are focused only on ETFs and "get rich".
Here we go, new week starting… may this one be a good one for us all!
2 days of 100 push ups/day until 100k down, unknown to go.
Did my first set of 40 right after I got out off bed. Going to do the second set of 40 when I get home from work. Seeing you guys talk about clap push ups make me want to try to do the final 20, which I'll do after dinner, with claps. Will report back on how it went afterwards.
Did 40 regular push ups right after work. Did the final 20 with claps just now; the first 10 was straight forward, 11-15 was starting to get tiring, started to struggle on 16, and barely got high enough above ground to do the clap for 18-20. 20 clap push ups felt much harder than 40 regular ones. But yea, another day, another 100 in the books. See you guys again tomorrow.
Whoop whoop! You gonna be massive!
If I could get back to the physique I had two years ago I would be happy. Was in good shape working out at least 5 days a week. Now I would say I am in ok shape.
I had a herniated disc in my back a year and a half ago and that really slowed me down. Didn't do much besides walking for a couple months and then when I got back into exercising it was just lifting light weights 3 times a week. Now I am lifting a big heavier, but still not heavy, 4 times a week. Hopefully the daily push ups give me some momentum to get back to my routine from two years ago.
My son has a daily workout he does for taekwondo which includes kicks he practices, push ups, sit ups, squats, planks and 30 mins on the exercise bike. I did it with him a couple weeks ago and was able to complete the whole work out but I was sore for days.
It’s really good you are back into the routine of exercise - a disc prolapse is no joke either physically or mentally.
As with any training it’s about overload to allow you to improve. As the total number doesn’t get any larger (with this method) the number of reps per set needs to increase or the rest between sets decrease.
And always remember; sore today, strong tomorrow….
The mental side of it was a big component. Being willing to test yourself but know your limits as well.
Good advice.
What happens after 100k?
Do we need to do 200 push ups until 200k?
Not sure. Just saw the challenge making the rounds on Nostr and Twitter and thought it would be a good thing to try on SN. I guess after 100k we come up with something new. I vote for 200 squats.
I did mine yesterday, only at 20 for today.
Why not 21 ? 🤠
Obviously because I'm too weak
Anyone who turns 20 will also turn 21, and it is a much more beautiful number 🤠
I'll get there as soon as my shoulder allows it
I would be happy if I could do 1 one arm push up between now and 100k.
That's my bum shoulder though
Start of a full week on the Fiat side. My wife was just involved in a hit and run and the jerk fled off. We had to get a tow and will be out our $1000 deductible fiat insurance is a joke!
I learned the hard way that insurance against uninsured drivers doesn't pay out if the uninsured driver flees the scene.
Yup Fiat BS!
what’s the non-fiat alternative?
Day 42 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 714 sats on 28Jan2024! Running total: 32,245 sats!
Day 8 of Fountain clips Sats Stacked: 168 (fountain only, I'm not keeping track of SN and nostr) Follower: 6
Today's clip is from Part of the Problem episode 1085 Domestic Imperialism.
Guest Keith Knight makes an interesting argument that if the state raised money voluntarily (like a market based corporation), instead of coercively, then progressives would hate it for all the same reasons they hate other large corporations.
465 sats \ 1 reply \ @joda 29 Jan
Can you imagine how much MORE propaganda, misinformation, and politics generally there would be? Honestly that would suck.
You took that in an unintended direction. Good for you
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 29 Jan
YT comments from here:
now imagine those likes were real sats. not sure if they would care as much. attention is a helluva drug.
49ers with the improbable comeback. They had us in the first half! 💪
Streamed from a shitty stream in Asia while sailing through lagoons.
Started this week with an extra day off! Happy Monday everyone!
Hey hey hey guys!!! The week has begun and time for us to show this week who's boss!! We've got this gang, it's the last week of January so let's close strong, hope your weekend was relaxing and full of motivation to get things done this week. This weekend I was not posting due to personal reasons but I did sent you some good vibes everyday, may your day be productive, profitable and successful my friend, remember that what you do matters and you're important to many. Head always high and eyes full of purpose, always. Be well and stay frosty my friend!!
And you. Go go Monday!
We've got this!!! Let's doooooo this!!
So I announced a draft of my book to all the teachers in my country who belong to a FB group that aims to promote e-learning.
49 likes n 20ish comments asking me to share my book with them. There is interest out there!
Also learned that I could set up my LN store on So exciting!
Keep that momentum going!
Thank you for your support!
saloon have daily music now 🥁 be sure to check it out: Today
Did NOT expect that! Needs a sultry female vocalist and video slowly panning over a foggy cityscape at night in black and white!
That's super cool, thanks. it sould have been just PLAY ►
noted! 🫡
Noted for tomorrow :)
Hey, happy Moonday stackers!
Just released latest #OpenDesign Challenge :)

01: #UserInterviews for a #Bitcoin #P2P #accommodation webApp

Discover more on #404823
2054 sats \ 16 replies \ @ek 29 Jan
Day 2 of Piano Practice: 2024-01-29-115800.m4a
I'm really enjoying this -- I anticipate getting to listen to a day in the not-distant future where it's totally fluid. It's cool to be able to see where the journey has taken you.
Well done. Do you have a particular goal in mind or do you just play for fun to your heart’s content?
Do you have a particular goal in mind
I want to learn the song that I am reading from a sheet
do you just play for fun to your heart’s content?
But also this. It's also relaxing, especially when your muscle memory starts kicking in. It's like your body is playing on its own and you can listen to live music lol
Good job!
Thanks :) I wonder who will be the first one to recognize the song. I have learned only the first two parts for now.
Impressive. You have inspired me to pick up the guitar sitting next to me.
235 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 29 Jan
sounds familiar 🤔
And you don't mean because it's the same song I played yesterday?
but the intro is missing! I wonder would @ekzyis sing too?
if not, install singing feature...
Good Monday morning Cowpokes!
  1. 🟠💊 Someone this week!
  2. Use 💜🧡Nostr🧡💜 more over Twitter
  3. Skip Spotify for Value4Value podcast apps like Fountain
  4. Stack Sats and stay humble
Not necessarily in that order.
Let's go!
First in?
376 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 29 Jan
I was too slow for this:
need to speed up, where is the song today 🎹
474 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 29 Jan
That's the reason I was too slow, I was recording.
But makes me happy that you're waiting :)
you got 30 mins before I head out for some sun and cats 👀
I love Mondays!
Me too :) My least favorite day is Wednesday
I like everyday but Mondays is my fav due to more quiet:)) 🤓
People are calmer and more tired from the weekend parties. It makes sense .... AHahahaha
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You didn’t fuck up because you did some reflection and identified how you could maintain your routine. Slip-ups are common, even necessary. I hope these sats put a smile on your face
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