This is why I’m of the mindset that time and education is all it comes down to. 24 years ago, people were NOT into the thought of doing online banking because they didn’t consider it safe, only thought of scams etc and couldn’t IMAGINE doing anything banking related away from a branch and now, online banking is ubiquitous. Everything takes time and we just have to do our part and show people how to self custody and run their own node as the gold standard and of course it’s also inevitable that people will gravitate to second and third layers but we’re building a rock solid foundation from the bottom up.
Yeah - People will eventually learn more about self custody as few of the ETF goes bust eventually but those who self custody manage to survive. It will take years Then it will be taught in schools. How to self custody bitcoin. Those schools who manages to liberate themselves out of the slavery of debt.
Agreed. The next generation will be better and have an easier time than the last. How it should be.