This is great! Would have loved to have this just yesterday! 🥳
One thing I'd love to be able to do is supply an xpub so I don't have to manually go and create a new address every time I send an invoice.
Edit: Just realised it would be great to generate a payment reference for the SEPA payments.
Edit 2: Being able to display a VAT number for the customer would be nice.
Thanks, glad you like it!
VAT number can be entered at Account > Company (under 'Tax number').
For SEPA reference, do you mean a reference that appears on the payment box before your client pays?
I saw that, I meant for the counterpart. I think there are some requirments you put that on the invoice. The workaround would be to just put it in the footer manually, though.
Ah ok, got it. Yes, I can add that no problem.
xPub integration is coming too!