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A certificate from a technical college/ vocational school (plumbing, electricity, many also have tech courses)
Don't sleep on this possibility. Its often the best return on investment. There are a wide array of such courses now....its not just plumber, hvac, etc. There are cybersecurity, network admin, etc.
What makes these programs such a good return on investment is that often they are either directly funded by - or have industry partners that hire out of the programs. For instance, in Texas lots of these 'trade schools' offer all manner of petroleum engineering degrees, and the major energy companies hire from this program (its a win-win as the companies dictate what they want taught so they are getting trained employees who paid to train themselves).
So its entirely possible to spend $6k on a few semesters of trade school and wind up getting a job for $75k within a year or so....
You are not married to that job. You can always do something else....
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