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or may be, you dit not arrive yet to this stage ;)
Hmm, what does that stage look or feel like?
it is diferent to everyone , some will practice and some will not....
there is no manual book ;) or may be :P
You're trying to seduce me, aren't ya?
not at all, sorry if you felt like.
i just believe, and, more and more,that people should practise meditation or yoga or full conscience to flip the world where we are living. To take another path than hate, violence, war, corruption, power, and so many more....
I'm just kidding around, fellow Stackie!
I don't think that yoga et cetera would be able to achieve the above, though.
Can't change shortcomings in one's brain with that.
;) it is just another conception of life, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said:
"We are not a living being living a spiritual experience but a spiritual being living a human experience"