I'm down,
So far on my dev journey i've
  • completed the plebdev course
  • submitted a bug fix for LNbits
  • made it to day 25 in 100 days of python (replit)
  • Got stuck on the Nostr Dev course (section 8)
Recently i've switched focus to
  • Nix Os
  • V4V (Primal/Wavlake/Fountain)
  • 3d Printing
  • Bitcoin job search
On the coding side of things, I really want to get involved in
  • fedi things
  • Cashu stuff
  • Nostr things
  • Lightning stuff
  • AI things
I'm not necessarily looking for a coding job, just having fun building and learning useful skills/tools suitable for the sovereign individual.
Hit me up if you want to talk about your coding journey, or want to work on a project together.
this territory is moderated
338 sats \ 1 reply \ @kytt OP 28 Jan
Bookmarked. Since I just learned about PlebDev, I'll try to go through a few of those first before I email you.