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Another uplifter. Folk / Pop this time. I can't remember when or how I came about this song, but I think it could have been in the supermarket and I used Google music search. Wandering Hearts - Wish I Could
ahh thanks for reminding me of this song. I'd completely forgotten about it. Same here, can't remember where I heard it either. Lovely vocals and tune. I has a beautiful Irish feel to it but I think they might be English.
Your right, they're from England. This song does have a lovely Irish feel to it.
like it
Great track!!
Here's a great Saturday morning track to lift you up (can also be enjoyed the rest of the day as well) James Bay - Best Fake Smile
After feel good Friday, keeping that feeling rolling through Saturday is always good!
Hole this morning from me. Big 90s rock track.
Ouahhh A long time, I did not listen to Thks @Public_N_M_E
Got a lot of time for The Shires. Really easy listening band.
I am not sure how much people here enjoy black metal (I do!). Recently I discovered a German band called Antrisch and their album Expedition II, which is great, here is the song that opens the album
(blast starts ~1:40). The whole album is about Franklinā€™s lost expedition, a nice read with Saturday morning coffee https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%27s_lost_expedition
You should have entered this for "Feel Good Friday"
Been a long while since I've been down the avenues of "band names that look like tree roots" also referred to as black metal. šŸ¤£. This one will do nicely for a chest and back session today.
I gave my wife a hoodie with her favorite books writerā€™s name on it written in this ā€œtree rootsā€ style, she loved it and still proudly wears it, she is not into death or black metal at all :)
Can't beat the "tree roots" for black/death metal logos šŸ¤£
Fusion Flamenco/Rock
Flamenco rock? Well, colour me interested.
what did you think ?
Yes. Big yes. I love a fusion of sounds just like I love a fusion of foods. That's my things, eating and listening.
I got to see some traditional flamenco dancing in Seville a couple years back and it was so much fun to watch. Hearing those sounds mixed with rock elements which help add "meat on the bone" got a lot of time for these styles of things.
i glad you like as Flamenco is not so popular music for its sadness :)
That's the beauty of being unable to speak other languages. I don't know they're sad songs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
I mean there's a lot of sadness in popular genres these days, the entirety of Emo culture surrounds sad songs. Lots of metalcore tracks are super depressing lyrically. I mean "Bring me the Horizon - Can you feel my heart" is haunting lyrically. Pain tends to translate through to music very easily and connect with lots of people. I think people should embrace traditional music more as there's so much beauty in its complexities over the formulaic 4 chord pop stuff.
Wise words :)