Well, it is winter now so we are a few months away from Tball starting up again but she has a foam bat and ball and we practice her swing a couple times a week indoors. Of course then she wants me to bat so she can pitch and invariably she just hits me with the ball and laughs. Sometimes the dog runs through and steals the ball. It's a lot of fun. I am a fortunate man. There was a time I was working 70 hours a week pretty consistently and didn't get to spend a lot of time watching the kids grow. So I am relishing it now.
That sounds great.
We haven't decided what sports or activities to do this summer. She likes dance class and a lot of those kids do gymnastics, so we're thinking about giving that a try. I think she might still be a bit too independent for team sports.
My daughter loves her dance class. She has her first showcase in a couple weeks. She tried gymnastics and liked it but she wasn't very confident with hanging off things and walking across beams etc, so we didn't continue. Thought we would try dance for awhile and maybe gymnastics again when she got a bit bigger. When she turns six I am going to put her in taekwondo. They have a class for 4 and 5 year olds but it is two hours before my sons class whereas the 6 plus class white belt to green belt class if right before my sons class so it will be a lot easier logistically.
I think we need to wait another year for martial arts, but that's one that we're definitely doing. I don't know which discipline we'll choose, not that it matters much at that age.