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Ever since the price started tanking approx. two weeks ago, my mood started to, too; I'm therefore very happy to see the price starting to climb again- and so is my mood!
I think we're on the same page when I say that the "maybe" can be exchanged by "very much so"; and even then I'm not going to change my Stack (for now).
Bitcoin is the only real bet I'm thoroughly willing to take. I honestly believe that my sourly-earned Stack is my "ticket" for the plane to a brighter (financial) future- but there's still a lot of miles ahead, and thus, many turbulences to be endured.
Let's hope for less rain and many more sunshine.
this territory is moderated
Stack Sats and stay humble.
That's the plan, I won't give any promises for the latter, though! 🤫
Investors wish they had ice in their veins but it's never true. What helps is perspective, hence the low time-preference, long time horizon tendency not to check the price.
I used to have a ticker on my phone but removed it, thinking being if no amount of price movement will cause me to take action then I don't need to worry about it. The information will find its way to me in one of many other possible ways.
1 sat = 1 sat, 827502
It's the article's headlines which push me over the edge to check the price, I can't seem to escape those.
Its a win win for you.. If the price drops, you get cheaper sats.. Why get moody? If you think its your ticket to something brighter, then you have to take the chance to stack more.
There's this thing called savings account, and mine isn't that deep :D
You need to get comfortable being uncomfortable1. What you're going to do when bitcoin crashes 80% or more tomorrow? You're going to sell? If so, you're probably more overexposed than underexposed.
Bitcoin is a confidence game.


  1. This comment from @nerd2ninja always comes to my mind when I think about this ↩
I hate it when the price goes up….I hope we have a nice crash before the bull run but who knows.
https://bit.ly/dollarhyperinflation May help u with the correct exposure