I can’t tolerate conversations about; politics, religion, sport, reality tv and the weather and tend to shake my head and walk away. Any attempt at discussing celebrity will result a kicking. If anyone’s wants to talk to me they are really going to struggle..
politics, religion, sport, reality tv
Exactly this.
Politics, like sports, is usually "my team good, your team sucks," and that's boring to hell. You often see that same pattern with religion too. That said, I don't mind small talk about the weather too break the ice
break the ice
I see what you did there lol
I must admit with sport I actually enjoy learning about ones I am not familiar with. But the whole team trash talk leaves me cold….
yes, yes, yes, yes and yesssss take my zaps
‘So you were wondering if I saw the debate in church after playing sport in the rain? Go away.’
The debate over our favourite Kardashian