Cool! Not sure what I expected to hear. Probably guitar or something.
Oh, I could also pack out my guitar again. It must have been at least 5 years since I played some guitar.
I learned electronic guitar when I was still in school (so when I was around 15 years old) but for some reason, my right shoulder (strumming hand) always started to hurt fast while playing. Maybe my posture was just bad or the guitar was not the right size? I never figured it out. I really liked it but that took the fun out of it after some while. Constant pain. And additionally comes the pain from holding the strings down with the left hand which gets worse when you didn't play for a while (less hard skin at the finger tips).
I even started to play western guitar at one point. That hurt even more lol. Then I realized that maybe I should just learn piano for less pain.
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