pull down to refresh

I've had my domain for a long time. This year I've managed to mess it up for good but not good enough.
I have my legacy OgFOMK.blogspot.com which has been hosted via Google. Recently I tried to move my domain and it's a mess.
So now I'm pointing OgFOMK.com to tor. It's a mess. Did I say that it's a mess?
Anyway... If I want to avoid censorship I need to take a little control.
I'm not very important but what I'd like to learn is how to do this for anyone. The issue seems to be http, https and tor. And I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
Or do I?
Anyway, I'd like a little navigation feedback so I'll zap sats for feedback at various levels. I don't mind zapping if you have some input.
I'm using tor and hosting my own whereas I have been pointing my domain to various services and even virtual Linux boxes. Now I think that I need to host my own as I'll never have too much traffic. If I do then that's a good problem I need to address.
Forget Tor.
Get yourself a cloud account that does DNS hosting and VMs— AWS, Azure or GCP. Run the cheapest VM instance and use Linux, nginx and letsencrypt. Set up a cron job to renew the cert every day. It will only renew if within 15 days of expiry, so it can run daily no issues.
Use the cloud DNS servers. Point the A record at your instance. Set the instance to auto-update the OS.
If I get a cloud account then that's a eat to get shut down.
If I get a cloud account then that's a way to get shutdown. I think I understand what you are trying to do and I do have a dynamic DNS service if needed.
Unless you route those packets yourself, there is always a vendor who has the ability to cut you off; such is the nature of the internet.
What are you doing that there is a risk you will be shut down?
I have never heard of an AWS account getting shut down if they continued to pay for the service.
I'm writing. So that's it. I've had websites since 1997 and I've had to bounce all over the place as service goes from good to shit.
Geocities, then Yahoo, then GoDaddy, then in motion, then WordPress, then Blogger, then Google and I've room Apache sometimes at home. So historically the vendor always goes from good to bad.
I'm going to host from my crib. StartOS has Ghost over Tor and I'm going to play with that. I'd like to have clearnet, too.
I'm certainly not the smartest guy regarding this. Sometimes the obvious befuddles me and the difficult seems easy.
I appreciate your feedback.
No https advice from me.
However, a quick design feedback: you gotta change that dark gray text on a dark blue background combo - it's not at all easy to read.
Are you pointing out the links or the general, overall text. I like inverse contrast for web reading and white background and black text for print. I've tried yellow text on the blue but it reminds me of Ukraine and I have family and friends there but I hate the government.
So what do you recommend for good color reading?
My background has always been #123456 but maybe that as the text and white background?
Ooof, color choice is always different, according to taste.
All I can say is from the perspective of a person with less than perfect eyesight: the more contrast between the overall, general text and the background is best for people like me.
So inverted is better? Dark type on light background?
Or dark bg with more contrast as lighter type?
Thank you for your input.