You can imagine all kinds of cool stuff -- everyone starts w/ 100 sats, students zap content they like, and in the end, sats are worth some portion of your grade.
I can think of a zillion edge cases where this wouldn't work, but you can think about experiments to do that would be interesting. Each class you'd learn a ton about how to make use of it.
Plus I think it's stupid to not try things bc you can things of ways it would fail. It can and will fail for all those reasons. And it will also succeed in a bunch of reasons you can't envision! And that's not nothing.
Thanks for the support! I can't imagine the administration would be too happy with this experiment if it were directly tied to grades and it would be easy enough for students to complain. Other than the logistics of integrating this into existing platforms, that is the most fundamental obstacle I see. It would have to be very clear from the outset of enrollment that the class was an experimental format. C/NC may be the answer too.