It's super hard to keep up with recent. I'll browse it then get sucked into something then by the time I resume a bunch of new stuff is posted.
Seems like a better problem for you to have than the rest of us. ;)
My "hot" feed has been great lately. You all did a great job tweaking that to deliver stuff I want to see pretty quickly after it's been posted.
Awesome! I honestly haven't had the time review how that's performing. It's fully operating on priors.
27 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 24 Jan
I recently suggested internally that we should use the global score of own items since I am not interested in what our ranking algorithm thinks how interested I am in my own stuff.
Most of the times, I see my own stuff on the top just to discover in a SN incognito tab to see it ranked much lower globally.
Maybe that's also the case for you and maybe you would consider that to be an improvement too?
99 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 24 Jan
We're both too "inside the machine" to assume other people want the experience we want (at least at high resolutions). The way this works, you're seeing your stuff ranked higher because you trust the people zapping your items. It isn't because it was posted by you at least.
27 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 24 Jan
It isn't because it was posted by you at least.
Ah, makes sense. Badly written on my part. My point still stands though. Just realized I didn't even mention my main point like I did internally:
What is much more interesting to me is to see how much other people like my content